A Training Session must prepare Coaches by reviewing principles of Motivational Interviewing, Nola Pender’s 5 Health Dimensions, Framing & reframing techniques, Teach-Back, Critical Thinking. Refer to the Coaching Through Stages of Change table for guidance in specific strategies of the CMATCH program. The Training Manual for this session is on the Leader’s Resource page.
Questionnaires used in Phone Coaching visits are: TCAT, PAM, Confidence Scale, Beck Depression Tool, Perceived Stress Scale, and Learning Style.
NOTE: The relationship and timing with the Phone Coach may be established according to the format the sponsoring organization chooses for the CMATCH program. And the call script may be adjusted for that format. There are 16 calls in which progress of nicotine addiction recovery is being monitored and reinforcement needs can be assessed along the 12-month journey. So, examples of the variability are given below. . .
This contact is made after Participant Registers online for CMATCH, by going to Taking Control Day 1, or on an individual phone call.
This contact with Participant, if on the phone, will be done with the script online, or on a printout with areas to mark responses.
Participant's CODE: (7 digits):
Greetings ____________ . . .
We are so happy that you have taken this step into restoration of your health! You will be ever thankful that you have courageously done so.
Before we begin, I want you to understand that these calls, as well as your engagement with the CMATCH nicotine addiction recovery program, are held confidential and possible only with your consent. The calls are recorded in notes for the purposes of:
- Aiding you with encouragement and motivational strategies, as well as in tracking your progress,
- To register the effectiveness of this approach in helping individuals squelch nicotine addiction and the practice of using tobacco products.
Therefore, if you wish to proceed, I will read to you the Informed Consent statement and then ask you to respond with:
“Yes” or “No” when asked if you understand and agree with the Consent statements
“I agree to communicate with a coach of CMATCH”.
[Conduct the Consent procedure—Coaching Agreement-top of this page]
The time we spend together now is intended to lay a solid foundation for the pattern of this coaching program, which is meant to be suited to your needs physically and emotionally. In order to get the big picture of your tobacco-using practices we will begin with an assessment. Please respond to the following questions thoughtfully and honestly.
(ASSESSMENT Questions are asked with sensitivity)
Begin with Tobacco Cessation Assessment Tool at this interview time.
TCAT is provided on the website for participants to complete prior to this call if arranged.
If TCAT was marked prior to this call, obtain and match the CODE that connects the coachee with their Survey done online. Since this is a scheduled call, that should be done prior to beginning this call.
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Now, let’s summarize what we have learned from your assessment . . . I say “we” because we often learn more about ourselves when we verbalize our behavior, our likes and dislikes, our hopes and our fears, our concerns and our discoveries. (Refer to TCAT results if already completed.)
Tobacco Hx,, Nicotine Dependency Scores (2), Reasons for Smoking, Readiness, Confidence Level, Concept of Power, Perceived Stress Level, Social Support.
(Discuss results . . .) (Make notes in Free text box)
What you describe is relatively common/unique to tobacco users who are addicted to nicotine.
(Explain why.)
I am confident that, if you determine to follow this program of intervention, you will be successful. When you begin to recognize the improvements to your health as we progress through it, you will be overjoyed!
You will hear some of these assessment questions again periodically with succeeding phone calls with you. They are a means of measuring your progress and will guide your coach in addressing your needs and providing the encouragement you crave.
For Smokers: To set a baseline on the condition of your lungs, we ask you to go to your healthcare provider (physician or nurse practitioner’s office, community health clinic) to get a breathing test called spirometry for CO analysis. Periodically in the future we will have you do that again to mark progress.
For Non-smoking Tobacco Users: To set a baseline of the amount of nicotine and its products in your body and to track the changes as we go along, we ask you to get a cotinine test done.
Now I will explain the process of engagement with the CMATCH program, so that you may understand the commitment both you and we are making for your recovery to health. There are 3 major components to CMATCH:
1. Taking Control, a 14-day guidance course on a website, rich with strategies for quitting and health-promoting lessons in nutritious diet, exercise, stress reduction and relaxing, and much more. The Taking Control course gives instructions for preparations and daily quitting strategies for 2 weeks with the support of a workshop sponsored by a helping group in your community. Typically, you will begin the Taking Control course with the first Workshop session, where you will register.
2. The Let’s Begin to Quit support workshop hosted by a community church or helping organization with volunteer mentors and fellowship opportunities. You will attend 3 Workshop sessions beginning Sunday or Monday to give you a good, supportive start. Then the session schedule will be arranged according to the group’s preference over the rest of the 2 weeks.
3. The Phone Coaching team to guide and encourage with scheduled phone calls over 12 months. Phone coaching sessions could begin Day 10. The phone calls you receive from your coach are specifically scheduled in our program. We call out to you; you do not call in episodically for help. Coaching calls are arranged with you for:
- Shortly after Graduation Day
- 2 weeks later
- Then spaced out monthly X’s 3, 2 months later; 3 months X’s 2
Totaling 1 Year of Phone Coaching support.
At the end of each call, your coach will arrange with you the time for the next call. It is extremely important that you keep those appointments. If you must make a change, send a message at least 1 day before the appointment time and offer an alternative time.
The staff of the CMATCH program are caring individuals who have been trained for their role. They are your resource for wholistic promotion of your health through behavior change. Any medical or self-care advice you otherwise desire should be obtained from your personal physician or nurse practitioner.
However, we want to keep your primary healthcare provider informed of your progress so that they can also support you. Therefore, we are happy to provide you with a report when you wish to submit one to your healthcare provider.
You may wish to use over-the-counter cessation aids (gum or patch) or an Rx from your health provider during this program. Typically, long-term tobacco users feel they need that. You may discuss that with your primary care provider. Our focus is to help you eliminate nicotine altogetherfrom your life because of its disturbing effect on your brain.
Are there any questions?
I am excited for you today! I have immense hope for your success.
Closure . . .
When Group Support through the “Let’s Begin to Quit” Workshop is provided with in- person format, participants will begin t o engage in phone coaching at the completion of the Taking Control course--Day 15
When Group and Mentor Support are provided virtually in a videoconference format, participants phone coaching can begin in week 2 of Taking Control.
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