FrameWork Health, Inc., a non-profit organization, is organized to provide programs and services of health promotion and disease and injury prevention on a regional and national scale. Wellness "packages" aimed at reduction of chronic diseases are offered to churches, healthcare, and communities with particular interest in tobacco education and cessation, weight loss and weight management, and lifestyle improvement. Programs and services of FrameWork Health are health education and mentoring, telephone coaching, and community organization facilitation.
The name FrameWork Health alludes to the FRAMES Model of Motivational Interviewing developed by Samet, Rollnick, & Barnes (F=Feedback, R=Reframe, A=Advise, M=Menu of options, E=Empathy, S=Self-efficacy). We have modified FRAME to the rubric of:
F = Freedom from addictive/deleterious behavior
R = Restoration of health through quality living
A = Appreciation for personal strengths, creative power of God,
Divine intervention through human sources
M = Meaningful life purpose
E = Experience of helping relationships
Health is a gift and a privilege emanating from the grace of our Creator. We are stewards of our health, which therefore requires that we learn how to preserve it, conserve its assets, and improve it against the influences of an imperfect world. FrameWork Health, Inc. believes that God's desire for His created children is to reflect His image through lifestyle and express His love through service. The power lies in God's interest in His human family and His ability to strengthen their resolve in efforts of change, in their attitude and thinking, and in their alteration of behavior.
Maintaining health requires knowledge about health-preserving strategies that include components of the physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual realms. All individuals are subject to biopsychosocial and environmental stress and may display various symptoms which they will evaluate or ignore. Certain lifestyle practices are employed in response to human stress experience that are either life-promoting or deleterious. These practices may be overeating, overworking, indolence, and substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, tobacco), etc. Individuals make irrational decisions or become subject to indecision and require assistance toward health according to their interest, motivation, and determinism.
For that reason, FrameWork Health, Inc. is formed to facilitate the restoration of health in individuals through the production and presentation of education programming for the conduct of motivation services that employ wholistic life-changing principles for assisting individuals to reach their maximum potential and experience quality of life. Emphasis is placed on learning how to make critical judgments about one's lifestyle behavior and how to realize positive change through a system of caring social support. Visit
Individuals seeking information and assistance in lifestyle improvement will achieve skills and employ tools of strategy that will effectively improve their health. As a result of successfully changed lives through the model of FrameWork Health, other groups and communities will seek to replicate it, thus widening the influence and efficacy of this approach to health promotion and building strong communities.
It is the intention of FrameWork Health to facilitate restoration and maintenance of health by:
1. Expressing love and concern for fellow humans struggling with addiction to tobacco, achievement and control of optimum weight, reduction of stress, and general healthy lifestyle challenges.
2. Individualizing by assessment and intervention the needs of individuals seeking our assistance in behavior change.
3. Offering an optional spiritual dimension to decision-making and life change practice that we believe is capable of effecting optimum health and quality of life.
4. Implementing an outcome-based whole person health promotion intervention utilizing audio/visual, telecommunication, and internet technology.
5. Operating a reliable and valid model of intervention worthy of replicability anywhere in the world
Fiscal Support
Programs and services are meant to be offered free to participants . Donations from providers are encouraged to cover the cost of program development, promotion activities, and maintenance expense of this ministry.